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At Reading Girls’ School, our provision for SEND students underpins our value of inclusion; no SEND student follows a curriculum that is different to any other student in the school, we do not operate a curriculum within a curriculum. Significantly, when it comes to GCSE choices, our SEND students have the same opportunities and choices as all other students. We provide an inclusive learning environment for all students including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), inspiring and empowering the students to achieve to the best of their ability.

We strongly believe that all students should be taught in a way that is appropriate to their individual level of need as we work together to improve barriers that may prevent students from making progress in line with their ability. SEND is a key priority for the whole school, all teachers are considered to be teachers of SEND.

Equally, we consistently have high expectations of all students and they thoroughly enjoy being active members of the school community, such as Yr 8 student and pastoral receptionist, members and leaders of RGS Pledge teams and becoming a mental health or anti-bullying ambassador.

If you have any further questions, please contact our SENDCO Lisa McCarthy via

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