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"94% of staff reported that Reading Girls' School challenges ALL pupils to make at least good progress"

(Staff survey October 2019)

At Reading Girls' School, our curriculum will ensure that pupils are prepared to make informed choices at the end of KS3, KS4 and beyond. We will facilitate this through ensuring that the sequence of learning builds upon previous knowledge in addition to supporting future progression in their chosen pathways and careers after RGS.

We ensure that our curriculum meets the needs of pupils of all abilities and backgrounds, through our curriculum, we allow pupils to acquire an appreciation and respect for their own and other cultures, this is particularly evident in our Ethics, Philosophy and RE lessons which also ensure that students have the skills to make rational and convincing arguments about aspects of modern-day British society.

We work closely with local sixth form colleges and providers to ensure that the qualifications that we offer can enable them to follow the further and higher education pathway and career of their choice in later life.

Students' knowledge and skills which have been learned from the curriculum are measured, both sequentially throughout the course of the year through the Teach Boost Teach strategy (purple marking tasks) and through two formal assessment points. 

Parents are invited to speak to subject teachers following at least one of these formal assessment points to discuss their daughter's progress.

Students are supported in recognising their progress using the CHECK system and flightpath appropriate to their starting point.