Careers and Life Beyond RGS
Our Careers Vision:
Each and every student will achieve their true potential and be prepared for the ever changing world of work
Our Careers Aims:
- To enable students to make informed decisions about their future, especially with regard to further and higher education, apprenticeships, and other training and career opportunities.
- To enable students to manage the transition from school to new roles and situations
- To inspire students and give them an understanding of the adult world of employment, locally and nationally
- To develop character and resilience and give them the skills required to function in life and work through enrichment activities and The Pledge
- To develop students’ knowledge, skills and understanding through settings and scenarios that relate to the employment sector through deeper applied learning
- To encourage attainment and lifelong learning so that students can achieve their goals, cope with change and be prepared to take advantage of opportunities throughout their life
- To give all students the same opportunities so they achieve the best outcomes for them personally
Parents are informed:
- of choices available to students for KS4 options
- of education and employment choices available to students after their KS4 by email, with information on the website and at parents evenings
Please click here for a link to our Destinations Information Page
We work with organisations such as a careers advice service, Careers & Enterprise Company, the University of Reading and Study Higher, as well as local 6th forms and colleges. We have good long term relationships with many local businesses, such as Thames Water, CISCO, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories and KPMG, who provide volunteers from the world of work to help with events and activities.
For information relating to careers please contact Mrs Kate Thomson, the Careers & Employability Skills Coordinator.
email: or telephone: 0118 9861336
- Our Provider Access Policy is available on the Policies section under About Us
- Berkshire Opportunities